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The createInput() API can be used to create Inputs.

It takes in an object containing:

  • args (optional): an object containing Zod values
  • produce (required): a function to run the input’s logic


Input Definitions may include an args object with defining Zod values as its properties. Whenever an Input with args is passed to take, those args must be provided to it.

For example, this Input defines a required filePath string:

import { createInput } from "bingo";
import { z } from "zod";
export const inputFromFile = createInput({
args: {
filePath: z.string(),
async produce({ args, fs }) {
return await fs.readFile(args.filePath);

Calling this input in a production method would require passing a filePath string:

import { createInput } from "bingo";
import { inputFromFile } from "input-from-file";
export const inputFromFileJSON = createInput({
args: inputFromFile.args,
async produce({ args, take }) {
return JSON.parse(await take(inputFromFile, args));


Input Definitions must include a produce() function for their core logic.

  • It receives one parameter: an Input Context
  • It can return any kind of data.

For example, this Input fetches text from a URL:

import { createInput } from "bingo";
export const inputFromExampleURL = createInput({
async produce({ fetchers }) {
return await (await fetchers.fetch("")).text();
Made with 💝 in Boston by Josh Goldberg.