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Builder CLI

When working on a Bingo template repository, it can be useful to quickly preview file changes locally. Bingo provides a bingo CLI that directly runs a template.

For example, running a ./template.js file:

Terminal window
npx bingo ./template.js
npx bingo ./template.js
┌ ✨ bingo@0.5.0 ✨
│ Learn more on:
│ Running with mode --setup for a new repository using:
│ ./template.js

The path passed to bingo must resolve to a file that export defaults a Bingo template. See:

Common Flags

bingo supports all the flags under CLI > Common Flags.

For example, running a local ./template.js file with a custom --directory:

Terminal window
npx bingo ./template.js --directory my-fancy-project

Template Flags

bingo additionally supports any CLI flags added in by the template.

For example, if a template defines a title option, --title will be type string:

Terminal window
npx bingo ./template.js --title 'My New App'

Any required options that are not provided will be prompted for interactively.

Made with 💝 in Boston by Josh Goldberg.