Template producer functions return Creation objects.
When a --mode
is specified, a template may run multiple producer functions.
The two creations from those producer functions will need to be merged together.
Each type of creation has its own merging logic:
File objects are recursively merged:
values are ignored- Files are deduplicated if they have the same value, and an error is thrown if they do not
For example, given the following two files
Creations to be merged:
{ "LICENSE.txt": "# MIT", src: { "index.ts": `export * from "./types.ts"`, },}
{ "LICENSE.txt": "# MIT", src: { "types.ts": `export type Example = true;`, },}
The merged result would be:
{ "LICENSE.txt": "# MIT", src: { "index.ts": `export * from "./types.ts"`, "types.ts": `export type Example = true;`, },}
Requests are deduplicated based on their id
Later-created requests will override any previously created requests with the same id
For example, given the following two requests
Creations to be merged:
[ { id: "branch-protection", async send({ octokit }) { console.log("TODO: Set up branch protection"); }, },];
[ { id: "branch-protection", async send({ octokit }) { await octokit.request( `PUT /repos/{owner}/{repository}/branches/{branch}/protection`, { branch: "main", // ... }, ); }, },];
The merged result would be just the latter Creation:
[ { id: "branch-protection", async send({ octokit }) { await octokit.request( `PUT /repos/{owner}/{repository}/branches/{branch}/protection`, { branch: "main", // ... }, ); }, },];
Scripts are deduplicated based on whether they include a phase
- “Phase” scripts are deduplicated if any’s arrays of
are the same as any other - “Standalone” scripts provided as
are deduplicated and run in parallel after scripts with phases
For example, given the following two scripts
Creations to be merged:
[ { commands: ["pnpm install", "pnpm dedupe"], phase: 0, },];
[ `npx set-github-repository-labels --labels "$(cat labels.json)"`, { commands: ["pnpm install"], phase: 0, },];
The merged result would be:
[ { commands: ["pnpm install", "pnpm dedupe"], phase: 0, }, `npx set-github-repository-labels --labels "$(cat labels.json)"`,];
Suggestions are deduplicated by identity.
For example, given the following two suggestions
Creations to be merged:
[ "- set a CODECOV secret to an codecov repository token", "- set a NPM_TOKEN secret to an npm automation token",];
[ "- set an ACCESS_TOKEN secret to a GitHub PAT with repo and workflow permissions", "- set a NPM_TOKEN secret to an npm access token with automation permissions",];
The merged result would be:
[ "- set a CODECOV secret to an codecov repository token", "- set a NPM_TOKEN secret to an npm access token with automation permissions", "- set an ACCESS_TOKEN secret to a GitHub PAT with repo and workflow permissions",];